Sunday, February 3, 2008

Cover Letters for International Teaching Couples

Recently Ilja posted a comment on one of my blogposts asking a question about applying for overseas teaching jobs as a teaching couple. Here's the comment:

Hi Kelly,
Thanks for all your information.
A question about teaching couples: when we send our application in, would you recommend we send TWO separate cover letters, or do we combine it into one letter with two resumes attached?
My husband and I are divided on this one so I am very curious about what you think.(Ps, have downloaded your book, it is great!)

I thought I'd answer this question for everyone...

When you are applying to international schools as a teaching couple you send one cover letter to the recruiter - but you may have several versions of your cover letter prepared ready to send.

Even applying as a single teacher I usually have a couple of cover letters prepared because I like to hedge my bets and apply for any position that looks interesting in either of my teaching subjects.

My recommendation for teaching couples is that you prepare at least two cover letters. One should emphasise the teaching qualifications of one member of the couple, and the other will emphasise the other member's. You may have a third that places equal emphasis on both.

The reality is that you may not find an international school advertising suitable positions for both of you. So you can use your first two cover letters to apply to these schools. You should always apply to these schools because you don't know what kind of internal openings they may have that your partner could be suitable for! Or what may come up later...

If you do come across a school that has suitable vacancies for both of you, you send a cover letter that covers both of you equally.

Sending two cover letters is an invitation to the recruiter to read neither, it is too much like work!

Sending a single cover letter shows that you are a duo who can work together well.

Check out the detailed advice for what to include in your cover letter on pages 48 through 50 of The Complete Guide to Securing a Job at an International School

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