Sunday, May 20, 2007

You need a great teaching resume to get a great job teaching overseas...

Your application pack is the first opportunity you'll get to 'wow' an international school recruiter. And your teaching resume is a pivotal part of your application pack.

If your resume is not flawless, it's going to get thrown into the trash can along with an estimated 95% of resumes received by recruiters. You cannot afford to have any grammar or spelling mistakes in your resume because the recruiter is unlikely to bother reading past the first one s/he notices.

The job market for overseas teaching positions is a competitive one, but there are strategies you can use to ensure that you get your dream job abroad. One strategy is to put together a killer application pack and send it along with a personalised cover letter to each recruiter you wish to build a relationship with.

A teaching resume aimed at international school recruiters should emphasise your experience in working with multi-cultural and multi-lingual groups, your recent professional development and how you've enhanced your current school whilst you've been working there.

Because all international teachers suffer culture shock, recruiters aren't just looking at a teacher, they're interested in the whole person. Include a brief list of your personal interests in your resume. In every interview I've had with an international school recruiter, I've been asked about my interests and how I'll pursue them abroad.

You can either prepare your resume yourself or have it written for you by a professional service. Either way, you need to get it proof-read before you send it out to recruiters, even if it's been written by a professional.

Do as I do, get your teaching resume professionally proof-read for FREE! call it a free resume critique, but it works just like getting someone to proof-read it for you.

Don't send your resume out with mistakes that will guarantee it gets thrown away! It takes no effort at all to get it checked, and the payoff for sending out a well-crafted resume in a targeted application pack is... a lucrative, stress-free teaching job overseas!!!

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