Thursday, January 3, 2008

Teaching Jobs Overseas for Married and Non Married Couples

Teaching couples are very popular with international school recruiters for many reasons but the main one is that couples can often work out cheaper to hire in the long run.

Whether you are married or not you can look for jobs as a teaching couple, most schools do not discriminate against couples who do not have a marriage certificate. An obvious exception is schools in the Middle East. It is very difficult for non-married couples to land jobs in international schools in the Middle East, where governments’ regulations stipulate that couples seeking working visas produce a marriage certificate.

You may be able to find a way around this problem but it is unlikely that international school recruiters recruiting for schools in the Middle East are going to find non-married teaching couples an attractive employment prospect when compared to married ones. If you are in this situation, your best bet is to concentrate your job hunt on other regions in the world.

Teaching Jobs Overseas for Married and Non Married Couples

1 comment:

zips said...

Hi Kelly,
Thanks for all your information.
A question about teaching couples: when we send our application in, would you recommend we send TWO separate cover letters, or do we combine it into one letter with two resumes attached?
My husband and I are divided on this one so I am very curious about what you think.
(Ps, have downloaded your book, it is great!)
